Montana companies tell lawmakers restricting abortion would be bad for business

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last summer, more than 100 Fortune 500 companies, including Wells Fargo, Walmart, and Dicks Sporting Goods, began offering financial support for employees traveling to other states for an abortion.

Now, as Montana legislators consider a slate of bills to restrict access to abortion at the state level, some Montana companies with Fortune 500 clients are saying that would be bad for business here.

Business leaders are worried that if the Legislature passes constitutional amendments or anti-abortion bills it could cause them to lose clients and deter employees from moving to Montana.

Twenty high-growth companies, representing hundreds of jobs and average wages close to $100,000, have signed a statement urging lawmakers not to pass legislation that would interfere with access to reproductive healthcare.

YPR’s Olivia Weitz spoke with Abby Schlatter, CEO of the Bozeman-based technology services business commonFont, about how restrictive abortion policies could impact her business and other firms in Montana.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity

Olivia Weitz: Why, in your view, would passing restrictive abortion policies be bad for business in Montana?

Abby Schlatter: To me, this issue is really about jobs, jobs, and jobs. commonFont is a job creator, and we rely on the ability to recruit, hire, and retain a diverse and talented workforce to serve our clients. And we also want our clients to continue doing business with us in our state.

My concern is that restrictive policies related to women's reproductive healthcare could negatively impact both of those dimensions, which are fundamental to our business.

So, in the statement you write, “We worry that if Montana's brand becomes associated with restricting reproductive healthcare, this pool of talent will dry up.” What are your concerns here? 

Over 50% of our workforce is female. And the introduction of this type of law could make Montana a much less attractive place for employees to live and stay.

I will add that the Institute for Women's Policy Research estimates that state level abortion restrictions could cost state economies around $105 billion per year because the introduction of those restrictions reduces labor force participation and earnings levels and increases turnover and time off from work among women of a certain age group.


Several bills in the Montana Legislature seek to restrict abortion access


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