Daily Montanan Hillary-Anne Crosby Daily Montanan Hillary-Anne Crosby

Montana ACLU sues state over sex definition law

The nonprofit’s lawsuit, filed this week in Missoula County District Court, requests the court declare the law unconstitutional in part as because it “potentially eliminates discrimination protections for transgender, intersex, and nonbinary people” in a number of settings, as well as protections from “discrimination in general under the Montana Human Rights Act.”

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Daily Montanan Hillary-Anne Crosby Daily Montanan Hillary-Anne Crosby

Residents file lawsuit challenging Montana’s attempt to narrowly define sex

However, the suit alleges it wasn’t just a legislative oversight that caused this new definition, they point to testimony given during the passage of Senate Bill 458, coupled with examples from state Republican lawmakers that demonstrate a hostility and disregard for residents who don’t identify or cannot be placed in the two biological categories mandate by the Legislature.

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PBS News Hour Hillary-Anne Crosby PBS News Hour Hillary-Anne Crosby

Transgender residents in North Carolina, Montana file lawsuits challenging new state restrictions

The lawsuit filed in Montana state court similarly alleges the new state law redefining “sex” creates the potential for discrimination. The suit says the law requires the plaintiffs to misrepresent themselves or reveal private medical information when applying for a driver’s license or marriage license.

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Montana Free Press Hillary-Anne Crosby Montana Free Press Hillary-Anne Crosby

Montana bill defining ‘sex’ as binary becomes law

“If you start with the assertion that there are exactly two sexes, which is the literature of the bill, that’s an inaccurate statement,” Grantham said. The law’s attempt to separate sex from gender and ignore a person’s psychology, she continued, is also problematic and unscientific. “You can legislate whatever you want. You can say that gravity only applies when you’re at sea level, but that doesn’t change the fact that there’s gravity when we walk up a hill.”

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Montana Kaimin Hillary-Anne Crosby Montana Kaimin Hillary-Anne Crosby

Bill to define “sex” passes Montana Senate, may jeopardize UM’s federal funding

The Legislative Fiscal Division note officially attached to the bill states that it would have no monetary effect on the state. But a later fiscal analysis from the Legislative Fiscal Division states that Senate Bill 458 could put all of Montana’s federal funding at risk due to how it might conflict with federal nondiscrimination law — that includes the Montana University System.

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THEM Hillary-Anne Crosby THEM Hillary-Anne Crosby

Montana Republicans Want to Legally Define Sex by Reproductive Capacity

The Montana state legislature is considering a bill that would redefine sex based on reproductive capacity, in a move that some experts say would gut state-level non-discrimination statutes and effectively define trans, nonbinary and intersex people out of the law. If the bill is enacted into law, advocates worry that the first-of-its-kind legislation could be copied by anti-trans lawmakers in states around the country.

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Daily Montanan Hillary-Anne Crosby Daily Montanan Hillary-Anne Crosby

Extremist Montana legislators, anti-abortion bills at odds with Montanans

A February 2023 poll showed that 75% of Montanans oppose changes to our constitutional right to privacy, a right that affirms our ability to make personal healthcare decisions about when or whether to have children. Yet our Montana Sexual & Reproductive Health Collective members continue to track 11 anti-abortion bills still under consideration — including two potential constitutional amendments.

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Daily Montanan Hillary-Anne Crosby Daily Montanan Hillary-Anne Crosby

The worst in the nation: National groups decry Montana’s ‘gender erasure’ bill

On Wednesday, representatives from the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ rights organization, Georgetown University Law Center and the ACLU spoke about the bill, which they said may be the most radical bill in the country, even at a time when hundreds of bills dealing with the LGBTQ community are moving through legislatures throughout the U.S.

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19th News Hillary-Anne Crosby 19th News Hillary-Anne Crosby

Montana bill aimed at strictly defining sex would exclude transgender people

If the bill becomes law, it’s unclear how its directives would be carried out, and legal experts say its provisions would be easily challenged in court. But the immediate effect would be to prevent transgender and gender-nonconforming people from being protected by anti-discrimination laws, increase hostility and scrutiny of individual gender expression, and potentially cost the state billions in federal funds.

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Montana Free Press Hillary-Anne Crosby Montana Free Press Hillary-Anne Crosby

State could lose “any, all or none” of $7.5 billion federal special revenue authority if ‘sex’ definition is enacted

A deep-dive fiscal note requested by legislative Democrats and distributed Friday says Montana could lose “any, all or none” of its $7.5 billion federal special revenue authority — federal grants, in other words — if Senate Bill 458, legislation to define “sex” in Montana law, is enacted.

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